Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Drought of the Soul

My soul is bone dry.
My brain is flaky.
My mouth has lost love for expression.
Will this emotional isolation ever end
Or will limbo remain my closest friend?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your Always Child

Pumping my veins with toxic waste to bury the shame.
Still you cry.
Popping pink pills for a synthetic high.
Still you cry.
Selling my soul to 'til I find love.
Still you cry.
Scaring my skin 'til I bleed dry.
Still you cry.
I'm your always child.

January 22, 2009


Resting in your heart of love,
Arms holding my dreams close.
Love me when the darkness grabs my throat.
Thank God you love me,
When death calls.

January 20, 2009

Even Cracks Have a Destiny

Even cracks have a destiny.
Like this stone you are unique,
But have a complex mix
Of loyalty faithfulness and destiny
Even cracks have a destiny.

December 29, 2008

A crack can be our greatest asset.

Call you home

Darling my sweetheart holding you tight in this tide called life.
Planting a song in the core of your soul.
I will keep you awake so you don't get pulled under by the rip
That wants to call you home.

October 11, 2008

For my darling

freaky notions

Freaky notions flood my brain
Lifeless butterflies floating on murky waters by.
A bullet leaving fragments lodged in my soul.
An endless black hole.
Freaky notions

June 16, 2008

long time between works

Siesta For the Brain

Rest my brain in the hammock in the midday sun.
Jump start the circuit on the fritz telling me my journey's done,
Gnawing through the wires that say I can't overcome.
The destiny dreamer in me have to become one.

May 16, 2008

God and the Destiny Dreamer becoming one.

Can't always ask cow

like a rainbow hanging in the sky
can't always ask the flock of birds flying by
questions like who when what why
can't always ask cows in the field how they feel
because they can't always answer with words
stillness is a form of growth
we don't have to always look for who when what why
we can look at the flocks flying by
and let life remain a mystery

March 21, 2008

For Tim

I Will Build You Dreams

You and I will always remain the same
I will give you comfort in pouring rain
If your dreams crumble like sand castles in the sea's swift tide
I will build your dreams from the ground to the sky
You and I will always remain the same

March 21, 2008

For a friend I love deeply

Strokes of Destiny

A pocket full of destiny and a splash of common sense
A stroke of creativity will always be your friend
Let your feet always lead you down passionate paths
Following your dreams to never ending success

March 1, 2008

Special thoughts for our friend Narmen

My Hero Doesn't Wear Tights

My Hero Doesn't Wear Tights.
Thank you for being my hero,
The one that I look up to.
You have destiny within your eyes.
Difficulty takes one day,
Impossible takes two,
But with destiny you will always fly.
I love you.

February 23, 2008

For my friend Darrell

But.... the wind will always

But the wind will always call your name
even when your head is being pounded
by dreams of yesterday
so hard that your flesh is scarred
by the teeth of disappointment

February 8, 2008

For my best friend

One at a Time

Go rest your head may your dreams inspire you to greatness and give you one act of 
kindness that will transform the planet one soul at a time.

December 18, 2007


you are the one I adore
you are the one I want more
I hear your yearnings from the darkest of darkness
you are the one I adore
you are the one I want more

September 18, 2007

Written about someone special

Falling Angels

We "WOW" at their wings 
and sword of love 
sunlight dressed in cloth of forgiveness 
pictures playing in their head not of what we are but who we become

September 7, 2007

Inspired during an instant messenger conversation with someone seeking their peaceful space to avert a panic attack

Collide as One


August 30, 2007

For my angel


My knight of love
You shine the touch of destiny
Deep in the crevasses of my soul

August 24, 2007

written for some one who has forever left his imprint on my soul

Invades Her

She sits and caresses the ivory keys
Seeds germinate giving birth to raw soul melody
That rises from the depths

Inspired by Hollie Smith

August 20, 2007

Desert's Flourish

Fly in the winds of hope
Spark's of love never die
Even in the desert of dream's gone by.

August 7, 2007

Nothing kills dreams


The earth suffers constant headache's
as humans stomp all in the name of war.

August 1, 2007

the earth pays a price in war

Glory Rain

To the one who reigns now forever who just the mention of his name shatters the nations as 
we know them and sends fourth glory rain
Thank you for bringing my heart to stillness now so I can hear your voice, have your way as 
I draw aside holy one

July 29, 2007

My heart to his

Lies Taste

Like a bitter lead bullet from Grandpa's gun
The stench from an old wine bottle
That's what lies do, to our brain
when we refuse to confront the deceiver.
Like rust that eats away endlessly.

July 12, 2007


Bitterness Black

The very essence of my soul is being gnawed away by sorrow
bitterness black.

July 11, 2007

Seeping Brain

It's a strain for me to contain,
the darkness seeping from my brain,
dribbling down for all to see,
tide of sorrow swallowed forever,
til the rain soaks,
the seeds of darkness,
it begins again.

July 8, 2007

we all have some times when darkness comes calling.



July 2, 2007

didn't take long to write

Kissed by an Angel

I was kissed by an angel at the golden gate.
My soul was flooded with love peace and grace.
kissed by an angel I could finally see what I was made to be.
When kissed by an angel.

June 14, 2007

inspired by God


The tips of the Eagles wings,
got singed by the Son's glory light.
The eagle basks in the never dry always flowing river,
that streams from above.

June 2, 2007

Gods love is always flowing towards us


Song bird opened the latch to my heart
Depositing white feathers in a dash for Freedom leaving my soul without tranquillity

June 1, 2007

Freedom has a price

Worms Inhale

Worm inhale my creative flow
As I drift into the mist of forgetfulness.
Forever my resting place.

May 14, 2007

This one contains a different part of me

Splinter's in the Mind

Simple log cabin plonked on rocky mountain side.
Wood looks sleepy stained by natures hand print of time.
builder finds flaws where dreams used to flow
now he's left with a pile of Splinter's in his mind.

May 13, 2007

a new poem at last.


I gorge myself on anything that even looks like it could be food, like a suitcase overflowing
with layers. Trying hard to swallow my pain, a sweet and sour tide dribbles down the walls
of my throat begging for freedom.

May 8 2007

Recreating Soul Creativity

We had a bit of a creative glitch here and are recreating soul creativity from scratch. We'll be reposting all the original poetry plus some more, though the dates will be different.